Ashlee Glazer
Ashlee traveled the world as Global Ambassador for Smith Cult. In addition to teaching salon partners about the benefits of their services and organizing demonstrations and other events, her work at Marie Claire London included training. Ashlee still draws on this knowledge in her job. Ashlee Glazer, and I are beauty lovers since when I was a kid. I've worked on every level of business from the counter up to the red carpet. My regular clients and Celebrities Brides are what keep me going and give me ideas and tips to share as a beauty and lifestyle specialist. My preferred method of winding down is spending time enjoying the outdoors and then having a massive meal with my family and friends. It is my goal to unite my skills and those of my community to create an environment in which I am able to educate and entertain people through my creativity. Ashlee is an acclaimed makeup artist and beauty expert who inspires her customers with confidence, strength and self-expression. Her wo...